Thursday, August 26, 2010

All Things Beautiful

He has made everything beautiful in it's time. -Ecclesiastes 3:11

This past week I have struggled on and off with feeling content in this place that God has me in right now. It has been a roller coaster of emotions and poor Derek (who takes the brunt of good witch / bad witch Lindsey) I think is probably running low on his reserve of patience with me. Yesterday I came across a story on (In)Courage's blog called "Keep Growing" that really spoke to me. It's about this desert plant that is ugly, spiky, and doesn't produce fruit or flowers for over 20 years. Then suddenly in a matter of only 3 days it shoots up and produces beautiful scented flowers.

It's a simple story but it spoke to me in so many ways. After all those years of persevering through the desert weather and bareness it suddenly, out of no where, blooms. It's such a great analogy for life. Many times I can associate my life with either a time of blooming or a time of ugly waiting or weathering trials. I feel as though I have been going back and forth between blooming and feeling the ugly prickle of waiting almost each day of this week.

Each day God does give me such an amazing peace about it that I do feel like I am blooming in that sense, but then there are moments where there are prickles of impatience. It is a constant choice and I am choosing to trust God's plan and timing. And in that trust, the blooming is so refreshing and sweet.

I know that in so many ways in life we must endure periods of waiting, trials of labor, and times of brokenness. But in all those things God brings us out the other side stronger, more patient, and more vibrant if we let Him work in us during those times. He truly does make all things and all situations beautiful in His perfect timing.

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