Of all our travels over the past year these past two months have involved the most traveling by far. We have been in a different city almost every week. We originally started in Charleston, WV at the end of February and here's how the rest panned (and will pan) out...
Feb. 27 - March 5 : Charleston, WV (ICU Rotation)
March 5 - 7 : Morgantown, WV (To Visit)
March 7 - 17 : Charleston, WV (ICU / Anesthesia Rotation)
March 17 - 21 : Morgantown, WV (Match Week)
March 21 - 28 : Charleston, WV (Anesthesia Rotation)
March 28 - April 1 : Evans, WV (Rural Rotation)
April 1 - 5 : Morgantown, WV (Dogsit for the Mizener's)
April 5 - 7 : Charleston, WV (Derek commuted to Rural Rotation)
April 7 - 8 : Evans, WV (Rural Rotation)
April 8 - 10 : Charleston, WV (To finish up Derek's paperwork for graduation)
April 10 - 12 : Evans, WV (Rural Rotation)
April 12 - 13 : Charleston, WV (To turn in stuff to Charleston office & complete file)
April 13 - 15 : Evans, WV (Rural Community Service Project)
Here are some detailed pictures of some of the highlights that I didn't write about in the previous posts....

Our visit to Morgantown (Mar. 5 - 7) we got to see the Walsh's and Ruffolo's along with many other people from Derek's class at a wine tasting party at Sarah and Kevin's house (the Walsh's). We had a great time with them as always! It was a blind wine tasting and I can't remember the winning wine's name but it was organic and only $13 and was DELICIOUS! (I will have to remember to get that name from Sarah!)

We also got to see the Mizener's and walk along the partly frozen Cheat Lake which was BEAUTIFUL!! There was still so much snow everywhere and I had a blast taking tons of pictures.

When we went back to Morgantown for Match week I forgot to post the picture of the yummy pink Champagne Derek bought me to celebrate. Then we filled out NCAA basketball brackets together. I'd never done that so I thought I'd give it a try. Neither of us knew much about any of the teams so it was basically a guessing game. We bet a back massage for the winner (who got the most points). Derek was winning up until the 3rd round when I pulled ahead. We both had WVU as the winning team so we were out before it was over...but main point of the story is - I won! Although I have yet to claim my back massage! :)

That same weekend after Match Day we had a wonderful dinner at Dragon Fly (SUCH delicious sushi!) and went bowling with the Mizener's afterwards. I have never bowled so great in my entire life! I had to take a picture to remember that I did that well! (I'm L in the pictures)

That weekend we also played with the boys BB gun and shot at balloons. I am out of shooting practice. I think Alan had the most fun!

Throughout out time in Evans, WV we stayed with Matt and Heather Vanhoose and their two adorable kids (Jackson and Lilly).

I also got into running during our stay in West Virginia and had a beautiful route to run in Evans. This was my view. (When I would be in Charleston I also had a beautiful view of the river and the capitol)

On April 6th I had the privilege of spending the day with my very good friend Lesley. It was the one year anniversary of delivering her stillborn first child, William. We weren't sure what to do when I arrived at her house but decided to visit the WV Museum and tour the capitol grounds with all the tulips. The tulips were outstanding and the weather was perfect. It was beautiful, sunny, and hot. It made for a very nice and comforting afternoon and we actually enjoyed ourselves very much. (Sidenote: Lesley is currently 19 weeks pregnant with her second son)

After the capitol Lesley and I went to the Blenko Glass Factory. This was and will be one of my favorite all time memories in West Virginia. They let us into the back area to give us a close up tour behind the scenes. Then some of the glass makers recognized Lesley because she made a very cool WV glass piece in a class they had a year ago! Since she was so famous they let me roll the hot glass into a ball!!! It was one of the most exciting things ever!! Here is the play by play!

Professional Glass Maker rolling glass into a ball

ME rolling glass into a ball!!!! (p.s. It was EXTREMELY windy and hot in there! Notice the crazy hair flying everywhere!)
I had such an amazing time and got lots of souvenirs to show for it! The day turned out to be quite a lovely day.

We have less than one week left here in West Virginia. I can't believe it has gone by so quickly. It is absolutely amazing to me that it was almost 4 years ago that we made the drive out here across the country having no idea what to expect. Even crazier still is the fact that in less than a week we will be making the drive to our new home of Portland, Oregon and really have no idea what to expect there as well. God has taught and grown us so much out here and I can't wait to see what He has in store for us there.
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