We didn't leave until 9:25am our last day so that we could get a little extra sleep and make sure we were both feeling a bit better (which we both were). We drove 497 miles and it was a BEAUTIFUL drive! We passed Lake Umatilla which then turns into a bunch of different rivers that end up going right through Portland.

There was a lot of beach camping that we will have to look into more once we move there and go try out! There was some waterfall we passed that was beautiful and also a big attraction (there was actually traffic to get there...it's been awhile since we've seen traffic)! We also saw a stern wheeler boat which reminded us of when we went on one in Charleston and will definitely have to look that up to go on. We also passed a huge Outlet Mall which I got very excited about seeing as it wasn't very far outside or Portland! Yay for good shopping again!! :)

Before heading to Kristen and Terrance Baxter's house (my girlfriend who I've known since elementary school that we were staying with during our time in Portland), we stopped by one housing appointment to look at a rental. It was pretty much horrible and was quite disheartening considering I had it pegged as my favorite from what I had seen online.
We then went to the Baxter's house and hung out with them. Terrance made us a gourmet meal (seriously - he should be a chef) and we had a great time just hanging out. They made us feel so welcome and got us very excited to be moving to such a great place as Portland. Thank you so much to them for being such gracious hosts!!
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