We have known that our plans for this entire year have been tentative at best and we have been grateful for this time. It is proving to be a learning experience as well as a growing experience (both in a positive way). We are also grateful that we are able to travel and spend this time with each other. God has truly blessed us with this time and we are trying to take in every moment in every new area and with every new person and truly savor each one.
We had planned to be in Oakland next month at my grandma Maxine's again and have Derek commute to UCSF. (He would have had a commute of over 3 hours each day - all on Bart and trolleys. There is no parking at UCSF!) Last week, however, Derek got accepted to UC Irvine starting next week (Oct. 19th). So we will now be staying in Orange County with Derek's parents while he is at UC Irvine and he will no longer be doing a rotation at UCSF. While I am sad that I wont be able to see the friends and family I was planning to up north as much, I am still planning a trip up there for a week to see them. There are also many friends and family down south that I am excited to see. The commute will also be much easier (and shorter) for Derek since he will be able to drive and actually park at UC Irvine.
On a lower note - Derek's grandmother (his dad's mom) just had a stroke this past week and is having to be relocated out to Indiana where her daughter will care for her there. She now needs 24 hour care and the family has decided her home town will be the best place for her. In the midst of this hardship my mother in law pointed out a small silver lining in that they have kept her car for Derek and I to use while we are there. So we will each be able to have a car which we were not planning on. It is a small but good lesson in trying to find the good in any situation and being thankful for what God has provided always.
We are very much enjoying our last week here in Morgantown. The leaves have continued to change through shades of fire red, blazing orange, lemon yellow, and more in between. It truly looks like a sunset painted across the leaves. It is impossible to describe with words but I tried to take some pictures that would show what we are getting to experience out here!
The Mizener's had a get together last night to celebrate their fire pit being finished. It looks amazing and we had a wonderful time. It was filled with great food, conversations, and fun!!
We visit Indiana a lot, my in laws are there and excellent grandparents to my girls. I will think of your gram in law as often as I think or speak with my in laws...